
Rotary Club of Calcutta Majestic is a newly found club about 2 years old. It was founded on January 11th 2012. It’s first charter president is Rotarian Vinay Mishra. It is a very vibrant club and has done a lot of social work to the benefit of deprived society. It has given its thrust on girl child education and vocational training, which is the need of the hour today. The members strongly believe in Service before Self and they have a strong bondage of friendship and fellow filling. This club is run almost professionally and it’s a member’s club where the president is the captain of the ship.

Contact Us

District No: 3291

RWM Venue:
International Club
22, Shakespeare Sarani

Secretariat 13-14:
13C,Michael Madusudan Sarani

mail : rakesh@sigmainfotech.co.in
M: +91 9831152887
M: +91 9051072221